Friday, September 28, 2012

Living Water, Guiding Spirit

Do you like water? Not only is it an essential element for life, but it is also a gift from God have I loved since I was a child. I enjoy drinking water (either cold or hot), swimming in it, touching its freshness or warmth, watching oceans, rivers, lakes, or even water fountains. And I love using water to wash things clean. I think water is a mysterious gift from God.  If we look at the Bible, it is amazing to see how often water was used as an important prop—the parting of the Red Sea, drawing water from the rock,  water becoming wine,  and Jesus walking on the water, and so on.

Whenever I sit down in our sanctuary, I hear the sound of flowing water from the fountain underneath the cross. For me, I feel that the sound is representing the love pouring down from God through the cross to us. It sometimes soothes me with deep peace, and tells me that the life given to us through the cross is still flowing upon us.

The Sanctuary Choir will lift up a beautiful anthem, “Living Water, Guiding Spirit” accompanied by flute, cello, and percussion. There are many rhetorical gestures in the song to represent the wind of the Holy Spirit, rushing waters, or soaring eagles to express God’s love among us. The song is inspired by Psalm 42. The Floris Strings will praise, “Love Divine, All Love Excelling” as an offertory at the service too.

The Sonrise Singers will lift up, “Take My Life” based on an old hymn at the 8:00 AM service.

I pray that we have a chance to be touched by God’s presence –His presence that quenches our soul and restores our faith in Him throughout  the worship services.

Here are the lyrics to, “Living Water, Guiding Spirit”.

Living Water, Guiding Spirit

Just as the deer longs for the water, my spirit longs for You, my God. 

Living water flow in me. Refresh my soul with Your truth and grace. Make in me Your vessel pure, a heart to hold Your praise, a heart to hold Your praise.

Just as the wind blows through the forest, move through my life today.  O Lord, I pray.

Guiding Spirit blow through me. Refresh my soul with Your truth and grace. Lift me up where eagles fly. Teach me a higher way, teach me a higher way. Teach me O Lord, I pray.


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