Friday, July 13, 2012

Built on a rock

Summer is one of my favorite seasons even though humidity is not my favorite.  Somehow, summer gives me some energy to do exciting things such as the summer choir! If we look around our church, you can feel how exciting this summer is – just in this week alone -- Camp Hutchison, the service camp, the Music Man rehearsals, movie night, and of course, summer choir.
As I shared last week, it is an exciting opportunity for people who could not commit to come in for regular choir rehearsals. It also gives me a chance to meet various people and make music together for our beautiful Savoir! You don’t want to miss this chance! If you haven’t signed up for the summer choir but still want to join, please come on Sunday at  8:20 AM to the music room. The door is always open to people who desire to praise God.
We will sing “Built on a Rock” by Jay Althouse as our anthem this Sunday at the 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM services. This anthem’s  theme is Jesus, the Rock of our Salvation. Because our new sanctuary’s second year anniversary is this summer, I intentionally chose this song which is  full of prayers. My prayer is that our church --  not only the building but also all of us are built strongly in the Rock, our Savior Jesus -- will share His grace and salvation with others around us.
At the 8:00 AM service, one of our members, Maryann Williams, will share her beautiful violin solo, “Gavotte en Rondeu  by J. S. Bach as the offertory.
In addition, there will be special communion music at the 5:00 PM service by CCS (Christian Classical Singers). The group consists of Christian, professional classical singers and they will share their musical gifts with us.
See, how many exciting things are happening at Floris? I am looking forward to having you all sing and worship our God together this Sunday. Here are the lyrics for the anthem. Enjoy.
Built on a Rock
Built on a rock, the Church will stand, even when steeples are falling. Built on a rock, in every land. Christ, the Lord, is calling. Calling to the young and the old to rest. Calling to the souls of those oppressed. Built on a rock, the Church will stand. Christ, our Lord, is calling.
This is a house of living stone, built for God’s habitation. He is a rock, on humble throne granting us salvation. Whenever two or more come to see His face, God will be among them to show His grace. He is a rock, and this His place, granting us salvation.
Built on a rock, the Church will stand firmly on one foundation. Built on a rock in every land, this God’s new creation. Together we have come for to give and receive. In Christ, our Lord, we do believe. Built on a rock, the Church will stand. This, God’s new creation. This, God’s new creation.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Come and praise God Together!

This summer it seems that time is passing by faster than in any other year.  Does it seem like that to you? It is already July!
My second anniversary at Floris UMC is coming up soon. It is hard to believe that I have been here for two years. I have been grateful that God has led me to be a part of His ministry at Floris UMC. I still have some hesitation when I need to drive into Washington, D.C., but except for the driving part I have been enjoying my life in Virginia a lot.
As you know, there will be summer choir for two Sundays --on July 15 and August 19.  I have met people who were sharing that they would love to join the choirs but don’t have time on Wednesday night to come for the rehearsals.  This summer choir will be a perfect opportunity for those people.  We will meet at 8:20 AM on that Sunday morning for a rehearsal.  If you have been thinking about joining the choir, please come early in the morning on Sunday July 15 and August 19 to the music room. If you haven’t thought about singing with us, but would love to try, this is a great chance. We will sing a simple anthem together to the Lord! I have had a few people say that they are not great singers. I would like to tell you for sure, God does not require great singers. He already has perfect ones in His throne at heaven. However, He wants us to praise and worship Him with all our hearts.
Let’s come together and praise our awesome God together during this summer!