When I was a middle school student, I had a chance to attend one of retreats during summer break. Even though I was serious about my faith at the age of 14, I never had this experience before. On the last day of the retreat, we had a time to serve each other. The leaders at the retreat intentionally let us play outside without shoes for a while right before the event. We did not know that our feet will be washed by someone else. Well... we were teenagers, full of energy, naive, and sweat really, sweat and ran around at the grass and dirt. Can you imagine how dirty our feet were? Anyway, the experience being washed was not that bad but washing my friends' feet like Jesus was totally amazing. I could not explain why but I really loved my friends more after my washed their feet somehow. I was not crying when my feet were washed but I started crying when I washed my friends' feet. I still do not know why but indescribable feeling overwhelmed me and I could not stop sobbing until all the event was done. I was not only one but everybody were sobbing. I have thought about why we were sobbing for a long time, and got an answer: it was conviction that I realized that I was not living as a servant like Jesus. I wanted to be treated as a princes, not a servant. I wanted to be a center of all attentions, be praised, and be noticed by other people how great I was. Even though I am still learning the servant hood, I ever felt that much convicted before.
This week, our new sermon series starts; servant leadership! We can't talk about the servant leadership without Jesus as you all can imagine. I pray that we all get convicted deeply by the Holy Spirit so our hearts will be restored as servants like Jesus.
The Sanctuary choir will share a beautiful song called " Seek to serve" at 11:00 service. It is a prayer, and like a chant style. Here is the lyric of the song. Let's praise God together.
"Seek to Serve"
May I live in the world, as one who always seeks to serve.
May I live as one who knows the love of God.
Lord, teach me how to live and how to serve.
With my ears may I hear, with my eyes may I see,
with my lips may I speak. May Your word be heard through me.
Thus, as I live each day may love sustain the will to serve. Amen.
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