Are you excited for the new semester? Even though my kids already started their school last Monday, I am so excited to jump into September. As I shared with you last week, all music ministry groups will start this week and next. Please visit our website to see their schedules. And particularly if you have kids in kindergarten through 6th grade, please come and join us at the Open House on September 12 from 6-7:00 PM in the music room.
There will be a new student vocal ensemble called “Viva Voce” (living voice or the word of mouth) for students from 7 through 12th grade. There will be a simple audition for members. They will sing new and various music in different languages. If your students would like to try this new vocal ensemble, please bring them on September 9 at 4:00 PM to the music room. One of reasons I decided to start this new ensemble is to give students an opportunity to explore and experience God’s calling through music.
I started having my own voice lessons at the age of 13. Right after I joined the middle school choir at my home church, I started having confidence in my calling to be a singer. So, I asked my parents for voice lessons. My church was an hour away by bus, but after I joined the choir, I went to the rehearsals on Saturday afternoon by myself, and woke up early on Sundays for the rehearsal before the 10:00 AM service. Believe or not, I hardly missed these rehearsals whether rain or snow. I still clearly remember those days and how important it was for my faith and calling. If we don’t try new things, we might miss an opportunity to find out our callings. I believe that it is very important especially for our children who will find out, cultivate, and grow in their callings. I am truly looking forward to sharing my gifts with them!
I picked a beautiful children’s song for the offertory this Sunday related to our new sermon series, “Stung by the Tongue.” The song is called “Do Unto Others” -- the golden rule! A few children from our children’s choirs will lift it up on Sunday morning at the 11:00 AM service. Also, there will be a special music during communion at the 11:00 AM service. The student ensemble will share a song “God is calling us” incorporated with a song “Kum ba yah”.
Both songs have meaningful reminders to us as Christians. I pray that our worship and praise may grow deeper and more powerful as we become restored to enter a coming season.
Do Unto Others
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be kind to others, be good to others, be fair to others as you would have them do unto you.
Try to be patient, and forgiving, a friend in all you say and do. God will guide you to love others as God has shown love to you.
God Is Calling Us
If the song’s to be sung, we must sing it! If the love’s to be shared, we must bring it! For God is calling us now, in deed, to go where there is need! If the Word’s to be heard, we must speak it! If you the peace is to come, we must seek it! For God is calling us now, indeed, to go where there is need!
Someone’s crying Lord, Kum ba yah! Someone’s dying, Lord, Kum ba yah! Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba yah! O Lord, kum ba yah!